Entrepreneur – Neuroscientist – Board Member – Professor – Award-Winning Author
In which environment do customers feel comfortable? How can an expensive price suddenly appear to be cheap? Why do people buy from the competition? Which subconscious mechanisms lead to the purchase decision? Kai transports topics like these from theory to practice, combining learning and entertainment.
Kai is Professor for Consumer Behavior at HFU Business School, Schwenningen, Germany. His core area of expertise and research are the impact of psychology and neuroscience on consumer decisions and the perception of prices. At Neurensics, the leading international agency for consumer neuroscience, Kai has been appointed as Director of Pricing Research to manage R&D of the neuroscientific and digital pricing research program.
Additionally, Kai holds the position of Chief of Behavioral Strategy at RateBoard where he is responsible for both bringing psychology and neuroscience to RateBoard’s core products as well as pricing training for clients. He has masterminded the development of NeuroPricing™, a research tool which uses EEG brain scans to analyze willingness-to-pay.
Before being promoted to professorship, Kai worked for several years as a start-up entrepreneur, as a strategy consultant with global management advisors Simon-Kucher & Partners, and as a neurophysiologist at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD. He holds a PhD in Neuroscience.
His latest book “The Invisible Game – The Secrets and the Science of Winning Minds and Winning Deals” co-authored with sales-pro Gabriele Rehbock has won various awards. Kai’s work has been featured by Forbes, Businessweek, BBC, ZDF, Der Spiegel and many more.